Part 3: Grades 3 – 11

As students mature, the Family & School Time Capsule Project evolves to include their active participation. From third grade onward, students take the lead by writing letters to their parents and grandparents, seeking wisdom, dreams, and family stories. This process encourages self-reflection and goal setting, empowering students to take ownership of their future while staying connected to their roots.

Student Participation: Starting in 3rd grade, students begin writing their own letters to parents and grandparents, asking for their dreams and family stories. Students also write an annual letter to themselves, reflecting on the letters they’ve received and their own plans for the future. This self-reflection continues through 11th grade, helping students develop a clear sense of their goals and identity.

Postmaster Role: Time Capsule Postmasters, typically parent volunteers, manage the collection and return of these letters each year. They ensure the letters are securely stored and help maintain the connection between students and their families as they progress through school.

For More Information: For further details on the project, or to become involved as a Time Capsule Postmaster, please contact Bill Betzen, LMSW (Emeritus), a retired Dallas ISD middle school teacher at


    Note: Attachments provide specific instructions for each grade level on how to participate in the Time Capsule Project.

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